7-8-9-10 October 2021
Monnot Theatre
Directed by Alaa Minawi
With Vladimir Kurumilian and Ahmed Amer
“That breath we held…” is a performance about the implications of the 4th of August Beirut Explosion
It is based on the stories mailed to us by the public attending.
We will ask you to send us whatever you want to talk about concerning the explosion and your experience.
It could be just one word or a full A4 text
You e-mail them to us and we will gather and sort them.
The night of the performance, Vladimir Kurumilian will be on the piano, and Ahmed Amer on the graphic station. Alaa Minawi will start to read your stories. Vladimir and Ahmed have not heard the stories beforehand.
They will hear them with you for the first time.
Unlike the audience who will only hear parts of the text, Vlad and Ahmed will listen to the whole story through their earphones.
Vlad will transform your story into music and Ahmed into drawings.
This is the concept of the performance.
We hope you will share the experience with us.